Twitter does a great job of connecting those who are seeking out their UDL community. On the first and third Wednesday of every month, a #udlchat starts at 9:00 EST.
My first chat was on September 21st, 2022. While this half-hour speed session seemed like it was over quickly, it was enough to get my UDL fix for the week.
Hosted by Mindy Johnson @min_d_j, this forum was an awesome opportunity to network with other educators and advocates for learners who believe in Universal Design for Learning. As I look back on the questions and answers, I had the benefit of interacting with a knowledgeable g
group of passionate people who care about all learners. Below are the questions and answers from our UDL Chat. Please feel free to join us when you get the opportunity.
Chat #1: 9/21/22
Warm-up: What is your favorite thing about Fall (or this part of the year)? Snuggle time with my favorite people watching our favorite movies! #UDLchat #eme6408
Q1: Before you found UDL, what made you recognize that your preferred methods of teaching weren’t working for all your students?
A1: When I recognized some of my students wouldn’t participate in activities because they were intimidated to speak English, I knew I had to start searching for a better method! #UDLchat #eme6408
Q2: Once you shifted to a UDL mindset, what barriers got in the way of your success with the practice (or methods) part of UDL?
A2: One of the biggest barriers is time. I want to create more UDL resources but I am so strapped for time. I haven’t had a planning period this week! #UDLchat #eme6408
Q3: What are some ways you’ve helped other educators understand the mindset shift of UDL?
A3: I don’t think I’ve done a great job impacting my colleagues since I am new to the UDL community. I am excited to share it!
Q4: What are some ways you’ve helped other educators understand the practice (or methods) of UDL?
A4: I’ve started the conversation with my colleagues about UDL. I’ve offered some resources to show that it is not just another idea to be implemented for 5 minutes and then tucked away. #UDLchat #eme6408